Progressive Bullshit Zone

The Progressive Bullshit Zone

Words and Phrases  - Thoughts and Ideas
Ignorance and Deceit  

The progressive bullshit zone.  Ever heard of the twilight zone?  Really never?  Ha!  Well the progressive bullshit zone is not unlike the twilight zone.  Its a distortion of reality and a departure from common sense.  The bone-chilling scary aspect of the Progressive Bullshit Zone is that its a very real place and a very real state of mind.  The Twilight Zone is merely a land crafted from a very gifted writer.

Just as The Twilight Zone exists when you "unlock this door with the key of imagination", The Progressive Bullshit Zone can exist in your own state of mind when vigilance takes a nap and ignorance and indifference takes over.  When you seek justice in the name of your own entitled sense of righteousness.  When your intolerance is lackadaisical in common sense and attaches to anyone who doesn't conform to a mirrored image on yourself and what you deem as "good".

When this is your agenda, one sets out to deceive they soften the blow to the masses with softer words and encrypted meanings.  Let no man without compassion and empathy lead us, lest we end up in a land without feeling, where no one cares for their fellow man.

Let us no longer use politically correct expressions just for the sake of being completely non-offensive to who? WHO?  Who are we doing this for?

I would say God bless him and let him be remembered always, but I don't think he'd like that, so I'll just say George, from whatever dimension you're in now, keep on Rockin!!  We miss you!  And thank you for entertaining while shining a light on The Progressive Bullshit Zone and calling it as you saw it - It's ALL BULLSHIT!

Enter now, The Progressive Bullshit Zone

Entitlement Reform
Perhaps the dirtiest word you've ever heard.  Disguised in this political rhetoric is a simple and clear plan to cut all welfare, social security, medicare and medicaid.  Instead of stabilizing the economy and providing a clear and detailed plan to care for those in the country who need it the most, we are now taking more and more away from those who need it most to fund corrupt government spending. 

Well if you've read Animal Farm, you know what comes next.

Zero Tolerance Policy
Perfect plan for the hypocrites.  Do you need a way to appear that you're taking care of business and show that you're tough, while at the same time washing your hands of all responsibility and putting out nearly zero energy, resources, time and money towards caring and compassion for those who could use help and attention in matters in the lives which if given the chance, might allow them to become better people with the right amount of support?  Well then, the Zero Tolerance Policy is perfect for you.  You can simply expel those not in compliance instead of taking the responsibility to help those who need it.  

Schools for example, offering a zero tolerance policy on drugs or bullying, allows them to simply expel students who aren't in compliance.  What happens to them?  What are their options?  If they had programs in place instead to help students get back on track, at least give them an option to come back into the fold, this might give them the very stability in their lives they need to maintain and grow into something more instead of constantly degenerating into a liability for everyone else.  No, we'll pass the buck on to someone else to worry about them, what are welfare and prisons for right? WRONG!  

Being Gay isn't Natural, and Jesus is just appalled. 
Lets Put Westboro Baptist Church here at the top.     
I'll keep this short and simple.
Murderer, Adulterers, War, Pestilence (HIV/AIDS), Famine, Drought.  With all the sinning and afflictions affecting us today, why are so many devout Christians preoccupied with homosexuals?
Especially that Church down in Kansas, you know, the ones who get that creepy smiling sneer on their face when they explain it's because they love you as your neighbor that they're informing you of your impending doom in the fires of hell.

Well, hopefully someone will remember the Golden Rule and consider what they say before they speak in front of an impressionable teenager fraught with despair and agony over what they are feeling.  A teenager doesn't have the emotional skills to handle being called an abomination by their friends and loved ones, nor do they deserve it.

On the Catholic angle: Pope says we should quit being obsessed with Homosexuality, Contraception and Abortion. Here's Reuters article,
and Huffington Post:
and NYtimes:
This chart attempts to conjecture and approximate the current focus and energy the average Christian Church of any denomination places on current issues involving sin, especially viewed through the lens of big media and popular opinion forums.  The chart, being ridiculously skewed towards homosexuality sets a dangerous trend by ignoring other more pertinent issues our society needs to address.  

The War on <"insert government control scheme here">  (drugs, terrorism, crime)
Anytime you declare war on a broad concept or idea rather than a specific entity, you should proceed with great suspicion on the motives of the speaker.  They usually have a hidden agenda which can't be made public so this is part of their smoke and mirrors politico.  Get the propaganda machine churning so you have the resources to fight whatever real war or objective you want to complete.

War on Drugs - what did it really do?  Among many other things it helped justify militarizing the Police.  It turned the law enforcement arms of government into it's own industrial profit machine.  Always seeking more money to build more prisons, more police officers, more guards and lobbying for tougher sentences to keep the prisons more populated, often more than we can handle.  

War on Terror - what did it really do?  Allowed Bush to invade Iraq, with the vague justification that they maybe, kinda sorta had chemical weapons.  Allowed a test project of the Patriot Act.  The Patriot Act suspended so many of our personal privacies and liberties in the name of not catching anyone specific, but catching terrorists, which by definition can be broadly expanded to mean nearly anyone deemed undesirable.  

The list goes on and on.  It's never a good idea and usually by definition always wrong, totalitarian and fascist to declare war on a concept rather than a specific target.  And more specifically to turn the Government State versus that concept.  A war on terror sounds a lot better than a war on Muslims in the Middle East, just like a war on maintaining and protecting the purity of a race of productive and highly-evolved citizens (for the sake of argument, lets just call it the master race) sounds better than a war on exterminating every Jew in existence.  Someone could and probably already has written volumes on each individual subject on why its wrong and the harm that was done, but you get the idea.  No Wars on broad concepts!  It really brings out the worst in us.  

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