Horse-Face Ann Coulter

The Horse-face Ann Coulter Satirical and Parody Page

Title:  Horse-Face
Name:  Ann Coulter

I have dedicated this page to the idea that Horse-face Ann Coulter needs, neigh!, DESERVES the permanent title of Horse-face.

Inspiration came to create this page whilst trotting through YouTube videos one day.  I clicked play and it was then I discovered the equine angel who changed my life forever.  The breath-taking beauty's bristling blonde mane shimmered in the sunlight as the News Anchor fed her sugar cubes from his news desk.

Entranced with silent wonder and muted-awe I watched as she neighed and whinnied her rhetoric.  It was the most bemusing thing I'd ever seen.  A beautiful, proud horse that could spout off hyper-conservative elitist garbage and sound like an over-privileged coke-whore-bimbo trophy wife that some rich executive had locked away somewhere in a high ceiling, marble pillared penthouse that took up the entire top floor of some tall building in New York.  Only someone had let her out of her barn and now here she was, speaking without shame or humility, her eyes fierce and determined, blathering on about dropping all welfare programs so those deadbeats would finally have to get jobs.

Horse-face Ann Coulter enjoying a spirited frolic through the meadow in-between her neo-conservative propaganda pundit podcasts...

I had never seen anything like her before in my life.  It was like she just stepped out of a movie and into real life.  A true living, breathing stereotype of the worst kind of woman or horse that could possibly exist in one Horse-faced package.  The beast was a simple minded creature and could only fornicate with wealthy older men, spend large amounts of money, do expensive drugs and look down on people with less money and privilege than her.  The only thing missing was a little toy dog sitting in a Prada bag and a couple vials of cocaine.  Satan himself would be hard-pressed to find a more befitting bride.

So there I was, entranced!  I couldn't stop watching video after video of her on various news programs, she'd be nibbling on carrots and apples, spewing her radical right-wing propaganda.  She was truly vicious, she definitely had no human heart or compassion.  She only liked to ride, wild and free somehow valuing and opining with conviction whatever seemed to shock and awe people the most.  And often without any sensible logic or sense of fairness.  Wild and free, an anarchist, a spoiled coke horse desperate for attention.  She definitely didn't possess an ounce of humanity, this woman was all horse, all the way.

Out of the measure and degree of respect she deserves, 
Please refer to her by her full, rightful Title and Name, Horse-Face Ann Coulter.  

I'd like to welcome Horse-face Ann Coulter here to the Studio...
Tonight my guest is Author and professional Horse-face Ann Coulter, 
etc etc etc 

Here is Horse-face Ann Coulter shown in both her full horse and human form:
(They tell me the human form is on the right)

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Here's an awesome parody video of Horse-Face Ann Coulter:

It says this is a picture of her in hybrid form but....
Can you spot the difference?
I dunno, all I see are three of a kind.  

Here Horse-face Ann Coulter frolics through a meadow once again as she patrols the Mexican border, keeping a watchful eye out for illegal immigrants trying to sneak into the country:

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Horse-face Annie

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