Forget about whether you support Donald Trump for a moment and consider exactly what is going on with big media and the other Republican Candidates.
I'm angry so many people are outright lying about what Donald Trump meant when he said, "She has blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her whatever".
Did anyone actually google that and listen to the phone interview between Donald Trump and Don Lemon when it was originally said? If you didn't you really should check it out.
Check out starting at 4:30. Just about two minutes after he makes the remark about Megyn Kelly having blood coming out of her eyes he says Chris Wallace, a male, has "blood pouring out of his eyes too".
Mr. Trump clearly didn't infer or intend this to be a remark referring to her menstrual cycle. In my opinion he had no sly intonation in his voice when he said .."blood coming out of her whatever". He made the same remark about a male in the same interview and I believe that fact alone proves without a doubt he never intended to make any kind of misogynistic statement about Megyn Kelly.
The media and several Republican Candidates perpetually misrepresent what he said in an effort to undermine his campaign and discredit him.
The media is now doing exactly to Mr. Trump what he's accused them of doing in the past. They take a little sound bite of what he said, take it out of context and run with it. I believe they are doing this to maliciously attack Donald Trump and run his campaign off the rails. I think this is why we, as a people are so mistrusting of politics and big media. It's almost as if we can sense an underlying presence at work in the background churning out propaganda that we are supposed to swallow up like mindless idiots.
Why do the other Republican candidates continue to disrespect Trump? Why are they so threatened if he's just fooling around trying to get publicity? If Trump's campaign is such a joke then why is big media and Republican Candidate working so hard to discredit him as a serious candidate and derail his campaign?
Again lets suspend for a moment on our opinion of Donald Trump for better or worse. In following his media coverage I'm sick and tired of hearing all the disrespectful statements made towards Trump. He's not running a serious campaign, he's not a real candidate, it's time for him to move his little publicity show off the main stage and make room for the "real" candidates. Statements and sentiments to that effect are all I read from media articles and his fellow candidates.
Say what you will about Donald Trump and his incendiary remarks but at least he's never been so blatantly condescending towards his fellow candidates. He might call them a loser and say they don't deserve their job, but he has yet to laugh at them and pretend their whole career is the butt of a very bad joke.
Stealing away precious air time from 'The Donald' is Carly Fiorina getting a few undeserved minutes of air time for herself.
Breitbart on Carly Fiorina: Women Understood What Trump's Comments Meant
Right I get it, doesn't Donald already get enough coverage? But when you have to resort to lying and misrepresenting others to get air time for yourself, that's dirty and underhanded. She spoke against Trump in her Tweet saying "There. Is. No. Excuse." I don't care if you like Donald as a candidate or not, it's not the point. She was one of the first to jump right on the bandwagon acting like Donald actually had something to apologize for when he was attacked repeatedly on his personal life in lieu of asking him any important policy questions so people could find out more on his actual plans should he become President. Granted, I was impressed with a couple of the things she said after I listened to what she had to say, but don't lie just to get your message out.
Stealing away precious air time from 'The Donald' is Carly Fiorina getting a few undeserved minutes of air time for herself.
Breitbart on Carly Fiorina: Women Understood What Trump's Comments Meant
Right I get it, doesn't Donald already get enough coverage? But when you have to resort to lying and misrepresenting others to get air time for yourself, that's dirty and underhanded. She spoke against Trump in her Tweet saying "There. Is. No. Excuse." I don't care if you like Donald as a candidate or not, it's not the point. She was one of the first to jump right on the bandwagon acting like Donald actually had something to apologize for when he was attacked repeatedly on his personal life in lieu of asking him any important policy questions so people could find out more on his actual plans should he become President. Granted, I was impressed with a couple of the things she said after I listened to what she had to say, but don't lie just to get your message out.
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