Sunday, August 23, 2015



Be aware of those who want to keep those "poor, murdering rapist immigrants" out and want to let only the smart, educated ones through.  

And I'm not talking about Trump.  Maybe what Trump is proposing is a good idea, maybe it isn't.  But hes got everyone talking about the issue and now, hopefully he'll do as he says and get some intelligent minds doing what actually needs to be done.  But what Ted Cruz is talking, in trying to increase popularity as a Republication candidate, definitely isn't.   Increasing the number of "smart" immigrants is just about the last thing we should do,

What a bitter irony it would be to finally get tough on immigration only to make things worse by actually handing "our jobs" to an immigrant labor force on a silver platter.  

There is an undercurrent in the business world right now.  Large corporations skipping over the lazy, under educated American labor force in their own country in favor of importing people who "actually want to do the job".  Even the mid to lower level positions are being outsourced for the same reason.  Large Corporation lobby hard to allow large scale immigration of "very qualified" individuals.

What happens if we spend billions to deport illegal immigrants, but give the best job positions in our country to highly educated immigrants?  Well it doesn't take an idiot to figure out that before long American citizens will be picking fruit and cleaning houses while immigrants man the engineering positions at half the cost of employing a natural born citizen.

Its not about immigrant bigotry and discrimination.  

I'm talking about talking a good hard look at the both sides of the issues and coming up with real solutions to our real problems in this country.  We have to ask the hard questions without mincing words or apologizing for a truthful critique of our situation.

Taking a hard look at the real problems without letting evil subplots destroy good intentions and creating an even bigger problem.  

We are under educated and it wouldn't be unfair to question the quality of our education as well.  U.S. citizens with the same credentials as someone in a foreign country may not be on par with their counterpart.  Immigrants in other countries are often far more educated than their counterparts in the United States.  Meanwhile, we are spending often more than a hundred thousand dollars on a college education and have trouble finding work.  Workers in other countries are often more dedicated, not taking as many sick days or putting in for as much time off.  They'll work twelve hour days and do it with a smile.  Employing an American Citizen isn't competitive with bringing in an immigrant or outsourcing to another country.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Who wants a 55" 3D LED SMART TV from Wal-Mart for only twenty bucks?

Wal-Mart lobbies "Company Pride" bill to congress, if it passes, 
Wal-Mart to offer 55" 3D LED SMART TV for only $20.

Walmart could have a great gift to offer us this coming holiday season!  In exchange for several concessions, retail mega-giant Wal-Mart has agreed to shoulder some of our national debt and offer everyone in America their own, highly subsidized, big screen television. 

Wal-Mart's Company Pride bill lobbies for changing "God Bless America" to "Welcome to Wal-Mart" on all U.S. currency; among other provisions, the bill proposes exemption to federal, state & local laws on all Wal-Mart properties, including the suspension of the Bill of Rights for all employees and guests while inside a Wal-Mart store or on Walmart owned Property.  

Furthermore, in exchange for accepting 5 trillion in U.S. Debt, Walmart will get the entire state of Kentucky (henceforth known as Wal-Kentucky) and will have it's own police and military forces along with official NASCAR event and NFL Football Team; if the proposed bill passes Walmart promises even more falling prices and a 55" inch TV for $20.00 guaranteed on Black Friday for everyone in Continental United States.

Damn it.  You'd actually go for the TV wouldn't you?  You'd let them pass their awful bill and wouldn't even care as long as you got your television right?   You're mad this isn't real and wish you really could get a TV for twenty bucks huh?   Well, don't feel too bad, so would a lot of people.  Hey! It's a twenty dollar TV!

And why not? 

What do we really have left to lose?  About 44 million Americans live in poverty.  We are working at Wal-Mart (or some place like it) without any decent Union wages or benefits.  We make just enough to pay our checks back to Wal-Mart for our daily needs and after all is said and done, we have absolutely nothing to show for it.

Apparently the New World Order doesn't allow for superfluous expenditures and very little disposable income whatsoever.  We're already spoiled to death with our five dollar cup of coffee at Starbucks, right?  God forbid we have a little caramel drizzle in our caffeinated drink to keep us going those extra hours, through our second job.  No savings, no retirement, no vacations.

Sixteen tons and what do we get? ...  Another day older and deeper in debt.

If they wrote that song today, they'd be singing about Wal-Mart and other stop gap jobs in our country that just barely keep us off the street.  These jobs don't give us enough to earn a living.  So we often must seek out government assistance in addition to working full time.  Many of us can't afford the pride of not being on welfare.  Even if we do manage to subsist off our basic wages, then we have no backup for medical, dental, emergencies or even if the water heater breaks down.

Saint Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go.

Meanwhile, Wal-Mart takes out a huge life insurance policy on it's employees.  If one of them dies, they get thousands of dollars and don't give a single penny to the family, or even a chair for the poor ole greeter fella to rest his bones every now and then.

"We owe our soul to the company store"  (Wal-Mart)

Welcome to the modern era of debt bondage.  We work longer days, get fair less pay, live in constant debt and have nothing to show for it.  Often we can't even afford a decent car or home.  They're just too expensive.  We only have ourselves to blame if we don't take a stand and demand a better living.  It's always been right there waiting for us.

Which brings me to my main point - finally!

Some people (wealthy Republican candidates especially) seem confused why everyone is supporting Donald Trump.  They keep waiting for the moment when we're all going to come back to our senses and let them continue with business as usual.  Oh, but wouldn't it be funny if he DID beat the odds and get elected President?  One thing would be certain with Donald Trump for President.  Either he'd do exactly as he said he would and make great trade deals, making America great again; or, he'd spend us out to our threshold and doom us all.  But there's no denying that with Trump at the helm, we'd definitely get one hell of a ride.

Well support Donald or don't, I don't care, but he has started a buzz in this country that I hope reverberates throughout our entire land.  The end of political correctness for people who aren't and will never be politicians.  Too many crooks have ruined our country.  It's time we as a people stood up to be counted and heard.  Lets reach out and take what's rightfully ours, a better life!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Building The Great, Great Wall of Mexico
If you build it, they won't come (over the border anymore).  

Donald Trump recently suggested in one of his conversations building a wall across the border of Mexico and how we'd make the Mexican government pay for it.  We'd charge a fee, for each illegal that crosses the border, charge Mexico $100,000.00.  Well, with that kind of money at stake, I think Mexico will find the price of a bullet far cheaper than paying a per-person penalty (or whatever they actually end up calling it).  

((They can make YouTube videos with balloons flying on the wall and watch snipers explode the balloons with bullets from a mile away to discourage people from approaching the border illegally.  It can be very demoralizing to see 10 balloons pop from ten different snipers, then pan the camera around and not be able to detect anyone in the visual field.  It can be even more demoralizing to know that these shots don't have to come from human snipers, but from drones or robots planted in the field with heat and motion sensing equipment that would essentially kill anything larger than a coyote within it's effective square mile perimeter.  ))

No, indeed.  They won't need a wall, just a team of snipers across the land, along with undercover operatives in all border towns in Mexico and several helicopters with night vision.  And for every person they shoot trying to get across the border, maybe Mexico pays their own people say $1,000 USD per head, which will save the Mexican government $99,000 USD and provide ample incentive to have the tightest border lock-down imaginable.  


Far be it from me to say this is a bad thing. We do need border containment.  And, granted this is a worst case scenario, but we do need to get better control of our borders and if Mexico has an incentive to help us, then they will.  If both countries work together, we'll have much better success controlling our border and it will take some of the burden off our shoulders trying to proceed with the perception that somehow we have to foot the total bill on resources to control both sides of the border and Mexico doesn't have to help at all.  

Granted, I'm sure Mexico does help now.  But, obviously it's not effective.  If we are going to have an effectively secure border, we need Mexico's assistance.  Mexico's resources of time, money, energy and manpower should be in equal proportion to our own efforts and when we combine our efforts, we'll both be able to do more with less.  

((given that sound travels about 1,000 feet per second, if a .50 cal. round hit you in the knee, you could watch the lower half of your leg separate from your body and spin in the air three times, land on the ground and then fall yourself, painfully holding your bleeding stump before you'd ever hear a rifle blast.  If the same rifle shot hit you in the head, the size of the bullet would compete disintegrate your entire skull and your headless corpse would be on the ground several seconds bleeding out before a rifle blast was heard.  Essentially, you'd never know what hit you.  Depending on distance, air temperature, and other factors, it'll be 2-5 seconds before you hear the rifle blast.  ))

Monday, August 17, 2015


The PROs for having TRUMP 
as the next 

Here is a little area that I'll be updating as needed to indicate the PROs of having Donald Trump as our next President.  

The CONS?  
Well, gee I think to keep the scope of this thing small.  I'm just going to focus on the PROS.  If I were to open this up to everyone's own CON, I'm sure we'd have an inexhaustible list of silly and infantile items starting with his hair.  

Case and point, I read on Gawker this morning that Donald Trump, whilst giving out his free helicopter rides, fiendishly and blatantly lied to a little boy and told him that he was Batman.  
Oh ye naysayers have yer laugh now.  But just remember...


1)  He's smart.  
And he'll tell you he's smart, at great length, whether you want him to or not.  Yet, in spite of him recounting his resume publicly many times along with his numerous crafty plays recently, turning what would normally be an instant defeat for someone else into increased poll ratings for him, it seems his fellow Republican candidates have yet to learn that hard lesson.  Right now they seem to believe their own rhetoric that he's some kind of joke candidate...or perhaps ..An Idiot?!  NO! YOU'RE STUPID AND YOU'RE THE IDIOT! (you're fired?) --as TRUMP would say.  

2)  He can't be bought or co-opted by lobbyists.  
No other candidate can claim this in quite the way Trump can.  When you look at all the rest of the candidates you almost have to overlay a pie chart on top of them and wonder how exactly the pie fits together.  How much of what they are speaking for is them and how much is what the lobbyists want? 

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Hillary's Email Server
Privacy concerns over partisan politics. 

Lately it seems several parties in the government are overly concerned with the content on Hillary's private email server.

How 'bout we leave Hillary's god damn private email alone?  
How 'bout we mind our own god damn business? 

Nobody would dream of demanding to read Hillary's United States Postal Mail, nor would the government or any workplace, employer dream of demanding to be privy to every communication received by the USPS.  Nor do I believe it's ethical to demand any access to anything she has sent through the same medium as private correspondence.

So why then do some feel entitled to her electronic communications?  If we were to act ethically, we would leave her private email alone, regardless of it's content or what we thought might be contained therein, unless we had solid proof or probable cause to believe otherwise.

And NO, being in a sensitive government position doesn't entitle ANYONE to have access to her private emails for any purpose unless they have solid proof or probable cause of wrongdoing.  This is very basic Fourth Amendment ethics along with the reasonable expectation of privacy that goes along with it.

I would also add that in my general opinion, perhaps pertaining more to workplaces in the private sector and in corporate entities, someone's work email along with their other electronic activities should ethically be considered private.  Just because every keystroke can be recorded, every action closely monitored doesn't mean it should.  Don't even get me started on people getting fired over Facebook posts, I could write a book on why you're the worse kind of S.O.B for doing that to people.
Does the fourth Amendment need to evolve to meet the current times?  
I'm referring to the particular section of the 4th Amendment describing the right for people to be secure in their "papers, and effects".  (i.e. emails and Cell Phone, Tablet, Computer communication)

The span of the history and how sending correspondence has evolved: 

  • Personal Courier by Horse 
  • United States Postal Service 
  • Electronic Email 

Obviously as we have evolved beyond the need to use paper anymore, we should expand the 4th Amendment to match the same privacy we enjoyed with earlier forms of communication.    

The 4th Amendment 
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Don't just cure AIDS, DELETE IT!

Computer Viruses and biological viruses are proving to have more in common these days.  If you get a virus on your computer, you need to delete the virus off your computer so it will work like it should.  Now, with this new approach by Temple University, it may be possible to apply the same idea to HIV and simply delete the virus from the body by snipping out all of the virus DNA from the cells, allowing the cells to heal and repair themselves freed from the virus.

This approach, while years away from clinical trials offers a lot of hope and excitement because: 
  • It's a method to completely cure the disease from the body.

  • It also has a potential use as a form of vaccine/immunization agent to prevent people from getting HIV/AIDS if its introduced to their body because the cells become highly resistant to the disease once affected by the procedure.  

  • The process used could not only work on HIV/AIDS, but also become a potential cure for a myriad of other diseases and infections as well.  Could we someday simply delete cancer from our bodies just as easily?  Yes we can!  (see link below)
Watch a video describing deleting HIV here: 
Read more here:
Deleting the HIV virus:

You might have to read this a couple times before it sinks in.  Use HIV/AIDS to kill cancer cells.  It's like the old saying, fight fire with fire.  Well apparently you can leukemia, and without becoming infected with the HIV-1 virus.  The catch?  Got $20,000.00 USD?
Using HIV to kill cancer cells:

Friday, August 14, 2015

Daily Dose: Desensitization Exercises

Here is your daily dose to combat Hyper-Liberial Political Correctness and over sensitization.
Now, take a deep breath and read the following: 
  • Violent rape is amusing.  

  • Violent rape is funny. 

  • Violent rape is hilarious.  
Yes, good, now read these sentences over and over again.  Remember that life has contradictions, can sometimes be humorous, lackadaisical and irreverent.  THIS IS OKAY.  No one is talking about rape being amusing, funny or hilarious in the context of any actual person.  No one would suggest actually raping someone is any of these things because we all know that it isn't.  (Yes, there is a small 1% that this doesn't apply to because they are sociopaths, but they don't have to ruin free and open thought and speech for the rest of us.)  

Read these over and over again until you begin to feel desensitized to your over-entitled sense of righteous outrage.  Just because you feel a sense of righteousness in your head doesn't mean everyone else is wrong and it doesn't mean you must fight or destroy someone with a differing opinion.  
Calm down!
Good.  Thats right!  Let common sense and logic flood into your calm, intellectual upper brain and give your lower animal brain a well deserved break.  Good.   
We all have the freedom to express ideas, good and bad.  Its our right as a free people.  It's ok.  
Now go violently rape a retarded homeless person.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

EDITORIAL: Why Does Everyone Treat Donald Trump Like He's An Idiot?

Don't Poke The Bear.

Now Trump will be he first one to verbally recount his long, successful resume at the drop of a hat, yet for some reason it just doesn't seem to take with his political competitors, they all treat him like he just fell off the turnip truck and regard him as a wasteful diversion hogging the spotlight from the "real" contenders.  From deep within their campaign bunkers, each day they are become more painfully aware of just how smart Trump really is.  But then ...

Who would've thought it'd be Donald Trump?  

It's true.  Trump has the entire Republican Party over a barrel and they know it.  They hate it too, I'm sure.  As long as Trump's numbers stay up, he's effectively LOCKED OUT every other Republican Contender from any chance of becoming the next President.

Sneaky, here's a list of a few of Don's Two-Bit Hacks:

  • Trump has self-appointed himself ringleader and taken center ring in the media spotlight.  
  • Trump made no promises not to go independent from the Republican Party which gives him the leverage to squash any chance the Republicans have at getting into the White House should they not choose to support him.  
  • With a dynastic political agenda already adding up to twenty years in the White House, Donald Trump has effectively locked Jeb Bush out of any chance at becoming President before his campaign got off the ground.  (Providing Trump's numbers stay up.)  That's quite a power play to knock heads with a powerful political family when you have no prior experience.  
  • With a mere suggestion, "You're Having a Hard Time Tonight", Mr. Trump knocked Rand Paul clean out of the running.  With a crowded field of 17 candidates, this one line that stuck was all it took to wipe out Paul's progress in the polls and put him completely off the radar.  You can't show weakness with Trump. 
  • Megyn Kelly Debacle:  Trump absent-mindedly made a remark that sounded like he was referring to the Journalist's menstrual cycle.  Critics blasted Trump and Trump fired back just as hard.  Between Friday and Monday, Trump had fueled so much animosity towards Reporter Kelly that the Fox Network reportedly implied it had to add additional security for her protection from all the angry bloggers on the interweb.  
  • Lindsay Graham:  Gave out his cell phone number, knocked him out of the race and made him break his cell phone, (or at least several cell phones for his joke video).  Someone needs to tell that poor guy the number isn't burned into the phone, he can just call the phone company and they'll give him a new number for a small fee.  

Whether you like Trump or hate Trump, you've got to give him at least some credit.  He is tough as nails and one smart cookie.  He's proving over and over again that he really does have what it takes to do the job he's applying for.  

Breaking News: Trump Insults Another Demographic


"They're all a bunch of losers" -Donald Trump 

In this satirical hypothetical, Donald Trump has done it again, he's insulted somebody new.   Everyone is outraged.  Someone who has no clue what's going on, but who's clearly a campaign rival is calling for him to apologize, not because they give a damn about what he said, but because they want to knock Trump out of the race while using his political corpse as a soapbox to improve their own political standing.

In fact, all of his opponents, who have everything to gain if Trump loses ground in the polls are shaming him and backing up what you're reading here, saying it like it was fact all the while revealing their own true colors because everything you're reading here is not exactly what "The Donald" was trying to articulate, but if you snip off a sentence here and edit a video there, its easy to exaggerate and misrepresent the truth behind the meaning and intent.  By going along with the political lynch mob those rivals are proving at the very least they are ignorant and if they are aware then they're being maliciously deceitful.

Surely this marks the end of his presidential bid for the White House.

Donald Trump must have done a very bad thing and it must all be true because you're reading it here right now and it definitely wasn't taken out of context and we aren't trying to misrepresent what he said to generate hype or because we have political and business affiliations the general public might not be aware of.


Normally another day goes by before you hear about Trump doubling down on what he said, but this time we're doing in it in the same story.  Trump has already posted something inflammatory on Twitter.  Later on, after all the hype dies down, Trump's points in the polls will improve to the surprise of media and the rest of the Republican candidates because they never thought people would actually follow the story, listen to what Trump actually said and use critical thinking skills to come to a sound and logical conclusion.  They all believed that everyone would just believe whatever they said and take for a fact everything they read.

Everyone knows you win the Presidential Race by being Politically Correct and whenever you're asked a question you use Political non-speak to dodge the question and not really give any kind of real answer.  That's what's going to turn things around and put us back on top! 

All right now enough is enough, this time he has no excuses.  The other Republican candidates along with the media have used propaganda to try and oust Trump from his high perch in the polls.  Too bad Trump's so dull he uses everyone's attacks on him as fuel for his counterattack and he wouldn't be getting half the coverage he's getting now if people stopped trying to deceitfully edge him out of the race.  That's half of Trump's problem right there.  If only he were smart enough to turn every opportunity to his advantage and show everyone else exactly what winning looks like.

Oh well, good thing the other Republicans who are already morally lost because they've been bought by lobbyists are ready to jump in like vultures and talk about how they can turn this country around while they profiteer from their presidency and let our country slide further into a debt spiral we'll never recover from.

Monday, August 10, 2015

And the outcome of Bloody Megyn?


Ha ha 32 Percent!  I love it!  And he deserves every point! All the crooked, dishonest and deceitful media coverage and Republican maneuvering to get him squashed and it backfires on all of them and he's smart enough to use it to fuel the fire in his campaign.  This guy is beyond Doogie Howser smart, beyond MacGyver smart, he's Lt. Commander Data smart!

From Breitbart: 32 Percent in the polls!

and EWWWW!
Rosie O'Donnell wants to write "You're all A**holes" in her used period blood" and/or smear it over people's faces.  Smearing it over people's faces huh?  Icky!  Nothing like proving Donald Trump absolutely correct.
Read about it here:

My Editorial on Megyn Kelly's menstrual cycle

Donald Trump is being unfairly accused of making misogynistic remarks towards Megyn Kelly.    

Forget about whether you support Donald Trump for a moment and consider exactly what is going on with big media and the other Republican Candidates.  

I'm angry so many people are outright lying about what Donald Trump meant when he said, "She has blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her whatever".  

Did anyone actually google that and listen to the phone interview between Donald Trump and Don Lemon when it was originally said?  If you didn't you really should check it out. 

Check out starting at 4:30.  Just about two minutes after he makes the remark about Megyn Kelly having blood coming out of her eyes he says Chris Wallace, a male, has "blood pouring out of his eyes too".  

Mr. Trump clearly didn't infer or intend this to be a remark referring to her menstrual cycle.  In my opinion he had no sly intonation in his voice when he said  .."blood coming out of her whatever".  He made the same remark about a male in the same interview and I believe that fact alone proves without a doubt he never intended to make any kind of misogynistic statement about Megyn Kelly.  

The media and several Republican Candidates perpetually misrepresent what he said in an effort to undermine his campaign and discredit him.   

The media is now doing exactly to Mr. Trump what he's accused them of doing in the past.  They take a little sound bite of what he said, take it out of context and run with it.  I believe they are doing this to maliciously attack Donald Trump and run his campaign off the rails.  I think this is why we, as a people are so mistrusting of politics and big media.  It's almost as if we can sense an underlying presence at work in the background churning out propaganda that we are supposed to swallow up like mindless idiots.  

Why do the other Republican candidates continue to disrespect Trump?  Why are they so threatened if he's just fooling around trying to get publicity?  If Trump's campaign is such a joke then why is big media and Republican Candidate working so hard to discredit him as a serious candidate and derail his campaign? 

Again lets suspend for a moment on our opinion of Donald Trump for better or worse.  In following his media coverage I'm sick and tired of hearing all the disrespectful statements made towards Trump.  He's not running a serious campaign, he's not a real candidate, it's time for him to move his little publicity show off the main stage and make room for the "real" candidates.  Statements and sentiments to that effect are all I read from media articles and his fellow candidates.  

Say what you will about Donald Trump and his incendiary remarks but at least he's never been so blatantly condescending towards his fellow candidates.  He might call them a loser and say they don't deserve their job, but he has yet to laugh at them and pretend their whole career is the butt of a very bad joke.  

Stealing away precious air time from 'The Donald' is Carly Fiorina getting a few undeserved minutes of air time for herself.  

Breitbart on Carly Fiorina: Women Understood What Trump's Comments Meant

Right I get it, doesn't Donald already get enough coverage?  But when you have to resort to lying and misrepresenting others to get air time for yourself, that's dirty and underhanded.  She spoke against Trump in her Tweet saying "There. Is. No. Excuse."  I don't care if you like Donald as a candidate or not, it's not the point.  She was one of the first to jump right on the bandwagon acting like Donald actually had something to apologize for when he was attacked repeatedly on his personal life in lieu of asking him any important policy questions so people could find out more on his actual plans should he become President.  Granted, I was impressed with a couple of the things she said after I listened to what she had to say, but don't lie just to get your message out.